Our roof repair service can rectify leaks in flat roofs or pitched roofs, repairing damaged felt, replacing rotten or water damaged timber, fixing slipped or damaged roof or ridge tiles and making good lead flashing around windows or chimneys.
When replacing a flat roof we strip off the old felt and can replace old plywood and rotten timbers as necessary and fit new insulation if required.
A new flat roof can be constructed from traditional bitumen felt, EPDM rubber or fibreglass depending on the surrounding environment and your budget.
Pitched roofs can have traditional roof trusses or attic trusses for additional storage space in the loft cavity or can be hand cut to suit a more complex design.
A waterproof membrane is laid and battons are applied before tiling with concrete tiles, pantiles or a range of UK, European or South American slates to suit.
Installing new skylights or velux windows is a great way to increase the natural light within a home or where these solutions are not appropriate solar tubes or light tunnels can be used.
We can fit new UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering and drainage solutions for your roof or source traditional cast iron, or replacement cast aluminium to traditional profiles.
Recycling and reusing rain water and grey wateraround the garden and in the home helps to guarantee supply when hosepipe bans come into force and are ideal for domestic and commercial use.